
Pregnant woman, 24, 'stabbed boyfriend to death because he didn't buy her anything on shopping trip'

Pregnant woman, 24, 'stabbed boyfriend to death because he didn't buy her anything on shopping trip' 



A pregnant woman is accused of stabbing and killing her boyfriend for not buying her gifts during a trip to a shopping mall.

Miata Phelan, 24, has been charged with first-degree murder for the April 30 death of her boyfriend, 28-year-old Larry Martin, according to a report by The Chicago Tribune. Judge Maria Kuriakos Ciesil set bail at $1 million.

Phelan stood over a stabbed Martin and yelled 'This is what you get for messing with me. I hope you die, m***********' as Martin's 8-year-old son Lavelle watched, Assistant State's Attorney Glen Runk reportedly said.

Killer? Miata Phelan, pictured, allegedly stabbed boyfriend Larry Martin to death for not buying her gifts during a shopping trip

Killer? Miata Phelan, pictured, allegedly stabbed boyfriend Larry Martin to death for not buying her gifts during a shopping trip

A father's love: Larry Martin is seen here with son Lavelle

A father's love: Larry Martin is seen here with son Lavelle

Prior to the stabbing, Phelan, Martin, Lavelle and Martin's 25-year-old cousin went to a shopping mall, Runk said. She reportedly accused Martin of being 'selfish' for buying items for his cousin and son but not her. 

Driving home, Phelan hit Martin and almost caused an accident, Runk said. After she dropped off some items, Runk said Phelan 'kicked and scratched' Martin, the paper reports, before she sped off in his car and left him, Lavelle and his cousin on the street.

The three ran into Phelan when they walked to the apartment Martin and Phelan shared, Runk said.

Phelan, however, locked the three of them outside, Runk said, and stabbed Martin with a knife when she finally let him in. His son reportedly witnessed the stabbing.

Lavelle said his father Larry Martin's last words were 'I'm gonna die, but I love you'

Lavelle said his father Larry Martin's last words were 'I'm gonna die, but I love you'

Martin's cousin heard Martin's screams and was able to get him outside and apply pressure to the wound, Runk said. He was pronounced dead at an Oak Lawn hospital.

Phelan's sister, Arnesia Phelan, told The Tribune that Martin physically abused her sister but only found out when she cancelled her baby shower, which was scheduled to take place on April 28.

On Thursday, Lavelle described his father's last moments to The Chicago Sun-Times.

'His last words was to me [...] he said, "I'm gonna die, but I love you."' he said.

Martin's mother, Angela Jenkins, told The Sun-Times her son taught her how to control her anger.

'He taught me to learn how to control my anger. "Calm down, Mom," he would always tell me that,' she said.


Aldo Pusey

Update: 2024-09-29